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Here Are 3 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

If you struggle with weight loss, you've figured out how hard it is to lose weight. The weight loss industry is making billions of dollars each year, selling the dreams of "quick" and "easy" weight loss methods. In reality, when it comes to losing weight it's really just not that simple. In today's post ,we will be taking it back to a few basics that people tend to forget when it comes to losing weight. These are 3 reason's why you may not be losing the weight:

1. Not Drinking Enough Water.

Water is immensely important when it comes losing weight. We sometimes forget the amazing weight loss benefits water carries. You should be drinking at least 8 8 ounce glasses (64 ounces total) of water per day. Not only does water accelerate weight loss, it also is great for skin and fighting premature aging. The importance of water can't be stressed enough. A person can go for weeks without food, but only a few days without water...that said a lot. It plays a vital roll in nearly every bodily function. When your body doesn't get enough water, it becomes dehydrated. When you're dehydrated your body will not flush out toxins or regulate itself as often, which then leaves you more susceptible to sickness, disease, weight gain and premature aging. Water can also give you incredible energy to power through your workouts. When you are dehydrated, both your workout and your results will suffer.

Tip: When working out, try drinking 16 oz. of water before hitting the gym and another 8 oz. every 30 minutes during your workout.

Replace water with any sugary sodas or juices to cut back on sugar and fat intake. Drinking water can be easy to forget, but it is critical when it comes to weight loss success.

2. Get Your Sleep!

When it comes to weight loss, sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. Getting enough sleep at night actually helps you eat less, and curbs cravings. Sleep affects levels of hunger-regulating hormone leptin, which helps your body realize it's full, and ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Not getting adequate sleeps lower's levels of leptin while raising levels of ghrelin, which can cause the cravings and overeating when sleep deprived. More than a third of U.S. adults aren't getting enough shut-eye, according to a new report.In the report, based on a survey of more than 440,000 Americans, about 35 percent said they usually got less than 7 hours of sleep a night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the study, recommends that adults ages 18 to 60 get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

According to the CDC, tips for getting a better night's sleep include:

  • Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

  • Removing electronic devices, such as televisions, computers or cellphones, from the bedroom.

  • Avoiding large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bedtime.

  • Making sure the sleep environment is quiet, dark and not too hot or too cold.

3. You're Overeating Healthy Food's

Just because a food is known as "healthy" doesn't mean you should sit on your couch eating it all day. Actually, a lot of the foods that we deem as healthy (such as Avocados, Dark Chocolate, Nut's and Nut butter) are not so healthy when overeaten. Overeating healthy food is almost as bad as eating Junk Food. For example, one whole Avocado has around 320 calories. However, a Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar has 214 calories. Even though the Avocado is better for you, the calories add up quickly. So go for the healthier option whenever possible, but eat a smaller portion of it. When trying to lose weight, portion size is everything.

If you follow these guidelines along with working out, eating clean and staying active, you will be on your way to your goal weight in no time! Visit our office to find out the newest supplement's and weightless products we have to offer to help you reach your weight loss goal today!

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